Welcome to the Doveton group of schools, a unique group of comprehensive schools, serving a truly multi-cultural community, where every student is valued and treated as an individual.


Welcome to the Doveton group of schools, a unique group of comprehensive schools, serving a truly multi-cultural community, where every student is valued and treated as an individual.



On 29th January 1955 the board of governors – Doveton Protestant Schools Association purchased the property at No8, General Collins Road, Choolai Chennai - 112 from Mr. Howard Oakley and on

15th July 1955 the Oakley Nursery School was established on

1st April 2001 the name was changed to Doveton Oakley.

Ever since its inception Doveton Oakley has proved its mantle by standing out from other elementary schools in the vicinity, with a remarkable track record in the field of education.

We are proud to call ourselves as a Cambridge International School.

  • Early Years : EY 1 , 2 , 3
  • Primary : I – V
  • Lower Secondary : VI , VII & VIII

The School has received various accolades over the years for its commitment to the cause of education, The Schools Basks on the positive acclaim from its Parent community and has produced many students who today are in top positions worldwide. However, we don’t rest on our laurels. The school is on a relentless pursuit to offer quality education accessible to all irrespective of human divide, The School Management in 2020, under the Dynamic Chairmanship of Mr.H.E Wilkins and the efficient Administration of Ms.Andrea Wilkins with the support of the management had decided to affiliate Doveton Oakley to the Cambridge Assessment International Education Board (A unit of the Cambridge University – United Kingdom) in order to offer world class education in the existing campus No: 8, General Collins Road, Choolai, Chennai -600112 .

Today we boast about being an Indian school with a heritage of over 160 years offering the world’s best curriculum in a spacious, healthy and child friendly environment.

As an Institution of long standing we strive to ensure that the education we impart results in excellence.