Doveton School Of Music

Doveton has a long-standing tradition of music making which is reflected in opportunities outside the classroom.
Our music academy covers from the foundation stage of music to wide range of musical styles and cultures where students are given the opportunity to learn using a number of instruments .The students study a range of musical styles and develop their performance and composition skills. We encourage students to take vocal or instrumental lessons within the school. We are able to accommodate all choices of instrument and lessons are taught by highly qualified peripatetic music teachers. The music academy puts on a concert showcasing the talent of our many soloists and ensembles and these are well attended by friends and family.
Every child is equipped, prepared and empowered to face challenge and competition with confidence and ease. Whether you are reading this as a prospective parent, student, administrator, member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, we hope that this website gives you a flavour of what makes the Doveton group very special. Floreat Dovetonia –may Doveton continue to prosper, flourish and grow.s